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Here feel free to share with us your experiences, kind words to make others feel good, leave your message, let us know what you're thinking. Our DM on twitter (@1DProject_x) is also open for you to leave anything you feel like. 

Let's talk

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July 23, 2010. Almost six years ago One Direction was put together, during these almost six years a lot of things happened, among with accomplishments and crazy stories, they also saved and helped people every single day, most of the time they didn’t even know they were doing that… most of the time only a smile made a day brighten up. Along with One Direction’s history a lot of other histories, other lives, that are engaged to this fandom, to this messy like family that allowed us to find best friends, a safe heaven, a home. Our fandom as it grew it got closer together, and as every family it has problems, it's messy and sometimes hard to understand, yet... It's a family in many ways and we need to show everyone inside of it that we care, specially now that the boys are on a break our fandom only stays as strong as it is because of the ones in it, us fans, and we can change people's lives if we want, but for that we need to try. Everyone inside of the fandom has a story, of how they met friend, of how they found out about the boys, about how our lives changed with the boys, but some of those stories also contain pain and struggle, people touched by illnesses, bullying… people fighting against it everyday, people that sometimes pass through our lives too quickly. And to help those people we’re creating this project. A project that will be designed to help the ones who need, to bring a smile to their faces. A platform where you can share your experience, your story, where you can leave kind messages to the ones going through struggle, where you can help a smile be formed on their faces. Where we’ll become a rock to the ones who feel like they’re falling. Directioners are capable of a lot of things, winning awards, breaking records, and that’s why we count on you to help us with this. We’ll be starting fundraisers to help people that are going through hard situations, and… if you can’t donate, leave a kind word on our page, let people know that you care, that you’re here, share this project, allow people to see it, to share it, to help it. This project will be running until the day the boys were put together, let’s see it as a gift, they’ve given us so much, we can, at least do the same for someone else, someone that needs us right now. We are capable of doing it if we want to, we’re capable of making this happen, but for that we need you guys to get engaged.



- Project by @BestDailyHarry & @1DInsideReport -
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